Sunday, October 30, 2011

a few things...

i am moving in slow motion today. i've been working on photo editing to list some new items in the Mirthmarket, which i've neglected a bit lately as far as new content.

i'd like to give my blog a new name and it's time for a new banner, too. name ideas, anyone? i think this blog has had about seven or eight titles. i'm not great at naming things.

i visited friends this week, which was really nice. i love it when i visit with friends i haven't seen in months or years and it feels like no time has passed at all...even when there are now children running around whom i hadn't gotten to know until now.

i bought "mylo xyloto" this weekend on cd. no itunes or spotify for this one. i miss the excitement of waiting for a big album release and then going out to buy the brand new cd, looking through the booklet to see if lyrics were included, reading the thank yous, etc. the actual cd is decorated with a cool, colorful spiral. listening to it all the way through for the first time, i wondered for a split second what music critics would think about it, and then i thought about how it doesn't really matter what music critics say. what matters is how much the music becomes a soundtrack to your memories.