Sunday, November 8, 2009

Weekend update

Tonight I updated the Mirthmarket with a few new rings, including these:
This weekend there was a wasp in my hair and a ladybug on my shoulder.
I went to a jewelry party and visited Jackson's room.
I sat in a suite at the Pacers game and ate nachos.
I went to another party after that - caught up talking with another friend while eating lemon cherry cookies - I am really, really not a party girl. I am more of a have-a-conversation-with-one-person-and-eat-cookies-girl, so that worked out.
I went to the movies and saw Michael Jackson's "This is It" - I'm glad the film was made - so many people worked to create such a ridiculously elaborate production. There were short films, a mechanical spider and bulldozer, pyrotechnics, was over the top!
This weekend the sun was shining and it was warm.
This tree looked like this:

I hope that you have a wonderful week.

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